So fans, are they good, bad, or just plain old rude? I could say all of the above, yet let me tell you that is what makes up a NASCAR fan. We are going to cheer for our driver and be upset when they don't finish, get wrecked, or something just doesn't go right for them. Honestly on Twitter people will defend their driver if it's the last thing they will do. That's a fans dedication to the sport, the ability to go out on a limb and tell someone how they really feel.
Next let's get onto the whole aspect of being a fan. You are not a fan if you just say "I like that driver because ____________(insert friends name) likes them" or you cannot be a band-wagoner. Those are the type of fans people don't want to meet. Being a fan means sticking with your driver through the good times and the bad times, being able to be proud of them regardless on how good or bad they finish a race. I know at times it's hard to watch your driver fall, but being a great fan means sticking by their side no matter what.
I think it's appropriate that i share a little story about me being a fan for my driver, Scott Speed. He bounced from Formula 1, to trucks to cup. It was a lot of jumps and i agree with many of you that he should of stayed and maybe done nationwide before cup. In the end Scott Speed was out of a job and done with Red Bull. Even when he was done, he still thanked Red Bull for everything they had given him since the start. As frustrated as a I was when Scott was done i kept thinking i must support even in the roughest times. I have supported Scott and will continue to. He is an excellent driver and will find his calling soon as his qualifies for Indy and more. No matter what happened though I remained faithful to Scott Speed as a fan and i always will.
Now that i am done talking about myself the last aspect is that you can cheer for many drivers. You don't have to only like one driver. I am going to admit you can have a favorite driver, then cheer for other ones you think are good. I feel as though to be a NASCAR fan you can cheer for whoever you want with no problems. If people hassle you about it then it doesn't matter because your a fan and you don't care what someone has to say about it.

Even a fan commented about NASCAR FANS:
ollie1972 Said: "race fans are unique in that we are somewhat like a family we enjoy our drivers,love good racing,hate a snoozefest unless their driver is the one dominating"
*SO TRUE :)*
Thanks for the insight :)
Let me say this now, this was a short blog and it was fun. I like to do a random blog every now and then going from my usual race recap blogs or driver blogs. Thank you to all who read these, RT them on Twitter or do anything. I love hearing you guys and gals loved them. Once again i apologize of any typo's, confusing sentences, etc. ALL PICTURES ARE FROM GOOGLE. NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED!
Tune in for the next blog that will be over..... THE ALL STAR RACE!!!!! :D cannot wait to hear fan feedback on what is sure to be one heck of a race! LOVE YOU ALL! --Laura
what a great blog and so very true. Diverse family. Loved it Laura, awesome job! :-)