So I thought this blog would be fun and random. Since i don't have anything big NASCAR related to write I thought i'd talk about Twitter and those lovely #hashtags you see everyone use all the time. Some common one are "#
justsayin" or even "#
random". Anyone can make a hashtag, TRUE it may be too long to get trending, but it still can just be plain fun! Everyday on Twitter people make ones, use some, or just like to RT some. As in today when i was just on Twitter i saw people making tags for the Basketball Madness.. since today is Selection Sunday.. anyway, i am going to share some of the hashtags i have created over time, and some i like.. this blog is for sheer fun and enjoyment! :P

So I always thought these hashtags were pretty cool. I even one day tweeted "There are these stupid flies in my room and i want to kill them all #
dieflydie" and just did that and had fun. Well NASCAR rolled back into town and i thought i'd make some fun hashtags for that. It all started with one.... that hashtag is #
redbulltastic. I love this very tag because i love red bull and thought i'd make something people could use anytime. Soon after this tag came "#
redbulldrunks" "#
redbullsista" "#
redbulladdicts" all floated around.. i liked it and thought it was good we were having so much fun. Scott Sped made a shirt that said "Speed for hire" on it so i thought "hey a hashtag!". A so #Speed4Hire and #SpeedForHire were born. A lot of love was put into those tags.
Some of the other tags i did were:
* #
baynetastic-in honor of T-Bayne winning the 500 and being the youngest driver to do it :)
* #
austintastic3-for ashley and for all those austin dillon lovers! <3
* #
kbtastic- for each and every single Kyle Busch Fan.. (myself included)
* #
kahnetastic-we got to use this one a lot last night :) For all KK fans
* #
kahnefever-cause a lot of girls tend to get this from him :P LOL
ETC.. there are so many more hastags i have created... but i cannot remember them all! Now here are some i just like to use that are downright funny!
* #
anyonebutjimmie-too funny for NASCAR we used last year so much :)
* #
random-because i tend to say a lot of random stuff
* #
NSN3D-Ummm Justin Bieber got a tag?? For his movie?? HA!
dieflydie-as you saw above :)
ETC... there are so many that are funny and you just wanna use so much!
So there's just a taste of some fun twitter action that goes on. From food tags, to NASCAR tags, to Bieber tags, to other tags.. they come far and wide. I thought i'd show some of you the tags that people use or like to see a lot. This blog once again was for sheer fun and i thought making a random blog would be fun, yet still ties a little to NASCAR. Cannot wait to blog for Bristol this upcoming weekend... until then.. SEE YA :)
NOTE: All Pictures Thanks to Google!
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