Austin Dillon was born April 27th, 1990 and races for NASCAR Camping World Truck Series and did a little for Nationwide as well, he is also the grandson of Richard Childress. When he drove the # 33 for Kevin Harvick Inc. in Nationwide he obtained 1 top 10 win from that. He drives the # 3 full time for RCR (Richard Childress Racing). His Brother, Ty Dillon races for RCR as well in the ARCA Racing Series. His residence is in Lexington, North Carolina and his hobbies are Hunting, Dirt Biking, and Paintball.

Beyond racing, Austin Dillon has impacted multiple fans and given them the best views on him. I went on Twitter and asked people to describe something about Austin they liked or something that caught their attention about him. I got multiple responses and told those people i would gladly share their responses with my blog readers! :) So here we go with what fans think about Austin Dillon!

@teripolzin "I sent him greetings on his graduation last year and he answered back.Very nice southern boy with manners!!"
Thank you for your insight Teri! :) I liked how you expressed how well-mannered and kind Austin is! :) Thank you!
@JBrooke6_20 said "I like the fact that you can tell he's not trying to ride on his grandfather's coattails. He has his own individual talent."
Well Spoken Jordan! :) That's a very modest and kind thing to say, it shows the driver is here to race and not just run off and do it because someone is family. :) Thanks for your insight
@ClayMakerKahne4 Said "Hes super fan friendly!!! Thats the best quality for any driver in NASCAR"
Yes i agree 100% with all that you said! :) That is the best quality for any driver to have! :)
@ClayMakerKahne4 Also Said "Hes suuuper hot. and his dad is a dork :)"
Oh So True and funny! :) I think this is the best comment so far :)
All these tweets prove that many fans love Austin Dillon and find him as a very nice, well-manner NASCAR Driver and I agree with each and every one of them and thank them for giving me their insight on what they thought! Now i decided to ask a great twitter friend of mine to tell me about her Austin Dillon experience and that girl is Ashley Schindler. She was a lucky fan who got interviewed but also got a call from Austin! I asked her to tell me her reaction to the call and interview and here is what she had to say about it!
"Okay! So I was interviewed for being an extreme nascar fan and they incorporated my blog into it. About halfway through the interview the people interviewing me were acting weird and I thought I was doing something wrong.. The phone rang and my mom answered it, giving me a weird look. Some lady named amy was on the phone And she was like happy birthday then she said she had someone there that wanted to say happy birthday and it was austin. As u saw lol I spazzed. He asked me questions and wished me a happy birthday again and my day was totally made! I thoughtit was super awesome and soo sweet to take the time to call me!"
This very experience for Ashley was truly the best birthday present she could get. The video of Austin calling her is on Youtube, she also changed her twitter username from nascarchick_20 to nascarchick_3 after the phone call. This day was super special for Ashley and showed how awesome drivers, like Austin Dillon can be! :) You can all say it was truly awesome that Austin Dillon did this for a fan!
Well this has been a blog for Austin Dillon, you got a taste of his life, how he started and where he has gotten so far. I can tell you for sure this is only the beginning for Austin Dillon and that #3 car. You also got a look in at fan perspective and also got to see how one fan got a birthday wish that they will never forget! I hope you enjoyed this blog and until next time enjoy the NASCAR 2011 SEASON! :)
Twitter Peeps who gave Insight
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NOTE: All Austin Dillon Information was found from Websites and more! :) Fan inputs are fan inputs and shall be respected! :) No hate comments please and thank you! Also if i screwed anything up my apologies had to go off of Wikipedia and other sites for some information! :)
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