This is a more personal blog, as in i am going to talk about the race but focus more on the fact of how i decided on who i wanted to cheer on this weekend. Well as everyone knew it was All-Star race weekend! Which as everyone could tell is a race worth watching. Now there is the showdown (drivers who haven't gotten in already) and then the actual race. This year i picked Martin Truex Jr. to make it in to the showdown, as for a dark horse i picked David Ragan. Ragan was able to get the pole for the race, I had a feeling we would see a win. The showdown has a total of 40 laps, 20 laps, then a caution, then 20 more laps. I could tell you everything else but i would rather not bore you all to death. In the end Ragan came out victorious in VL. That was a very exciting moment for many fans on Twitter and it was David's first time into the All-Star Race. Also Brad K. came second and competed in the All-Star Race.
Next onto the main event: The All-Star race. Before all this as tradition follows, all the guys and their pit crews come out and the fans cheer or boo them. After this event is done, we have the invocation and national anthem. Drivers are ready for the craziest race of the season. Now for all you reading this....who are saying "Laura what the heck are you talking about? All-Star Race? Do points count?" well i can answer that for you.. points do not count.. these boys are racing for 1 million dollars. I also will mention that Kasey Kahne won the burnout competition and won 10,000 for the Kasey Kahne Foundation. Now as I picked my main guy: Kasey Kahne, my dark horses: David Ragan and Carl Edwards. I watched the race from a restaurant and then re-watched it this afternoon. Carl Edwards won and earned the million dollars.
At this time i would also like to give a congrats to Ricky Stenhouse Jr. on winning the nationwide race today at Iowa. He is the first only nationwide driver to win so far so that was a major bonus! Congrats to him, his family and team and all fans! :D I was super proud of that moment!
Let's talk about what it means to pick a dark horse and the reasoning behind why at least I pick them. For me, a dark horse is not someone who deserves pity points or anything, I feel it is a driver who can kick some major butt and pull off a victory. I am very careful with my dark horse pick, they are my underdog pick and i usually pick them quiet often. I picked David Ragan because that guy can kick major butt and can pull off a victory no doubt! :D Same for Carl Edwards, he's got the skill and ability to be an underdog and come out strong and finish victorious.
I am not a fan that picks them because they don't get a ton of attention. I pick them by the way i see them race weekend and week out. I watch the way they carry out after a race, i always look for positive attitude, even with frustration. I also watch they way they are with fans and the media for that matter. I thought this blog would show that even when you pick someone who ends up winning.. yes it can be dumb luck... but for me i pick my dark horses over many things. No matter how good or bad my drivers end up i am always proud to be a fan regardless.
Okay this blog is done! Party because Laura has stopped talking about herself. I am only kidding as you all know this is jut another style of blogging :). I like to do fan, personal, informative. This was a blog to sorta of re-cap a race weekend, but also get a little bit of a perspective on how the minds of NASCAR fans think :) Anyway this blog is done... be sure for a new blog about the race and the cars of Red Bull being covered in fan pictures :) I am proud to say 3 pictures of mine.. 2 on KK's car and 1 will be on pit wall (as they emailed me and told me). :D Anyway everyone have a wonderful weekday!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
NASCAR Fans: The Heart and Soul of NASCAR. A look into the passion that makes NASCAR Fans all around the world :)

So fans, are they good, bad, or just plain old rude? I could say all of the above, yet let me tell you that is what makes up a NASCAR fan. We are going to cheer for our driver and be upset when they don't finish, get wrecked, or something just doesn't go right for them. Honestly on Twitter people will defend their driver if it's the last thing they will do. That's a fans dedication to the sport, the ability to go out on a limb and tell someone how they really feel.
Next let's get onto the whole aspect of being a fan. You are not a fan if you just say "I like that driver because ____________(insert friends name) likes them" or you cannot be a band-wagoner. Those are the type of fans people don't want to meet. Being a fan means sticking with your driver through the good times and the bad times, being able to be proud of them regardless on how good or bad they finish a race. I know at times it's hard to watch your driver fall, but being a great fan means sticking by their side no matter what.
I think it's appropriate that i share a little story about me being a fan for my driver, Scott Speed. He bounced from Formula 1, to trucks to cup. It was a lot of jumps and i agree with many of you that he should of stayed and maybe done nationwide before cup. In the end Scott Speed was out of a job and done with Red Bull. Even when he was done, he still thanked Red Bull for everything they had given him since the start. As frustrated as a I was when Scott was done i kept thinking i must support even in the roughest times. I have supported Scott and will continue to. He is an excellent driver and will find his calling soon as his qualifies for Indy and more. No matter what happened though I remained faithful to Scott Speed as a fan and i always will.
Now that i am done talking about myself the last aspect is that you can cheer for many drivers. You don't have to only like one driver. I am going to admit you can have a favorite driver, then cheer for other ones you think are good. I feel as though to be a NASCAR fan you can cheer for whoever you want with no problems. If people hassle you about it then it doesn't matter because your a fan and you don't care what someone has to say about it.

Even a fan commented about NASCAR FANS:
ollie1972 Said: "race fans are unique in that we are somewhat like a family we enjoy our drivers,love good racing,hate a snoozefest unless their driver is the one dominating"
*SO TRUE :)*
Thanks for the insight :)
Let me say this now, this was a short blog and it was fun. I like to do a random blog every now and then going from my usual race recap blogs or driver blogs. Thank you to all who read these, RT them on Twitter or do anything. I love hearing you guys and gals loved them. Once again i apologize of any typo's, confusing sentences, etc. ALL PICTURES ARE FROM GOOGLE. NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED!
Tune in for the next blog that will be over..... THE ALL STAR RACE!!!!! :D cannot wait to hear fan feedback on what is sure to be one heck of a race! LOVE YOU ALL! --Laura
Monday, May 9, 2011
A HurriKahne is coming... he's tamed the lady in black in trucks and got a pole at Darlington for cup.. it's Kasey Kahne

Kasey is considered the "Pretty Boy" of NASCAR. Yes, there is no doubt he has the looks to make girls melt and guys jealous. Yet those who only look at him for the looks need to re-evalutate how they see him. Kasey is like everyone else and loves to race and also loves having a beer and going out on the lake with family and friends. He is a free spirit who keeps it real in racing as he does outside out of his career. When people say fans just like him for his looks they need to think twice when saying such a statement. Kasey is very friendly, but also shy and reserved. He doesn't show off and he tries to keep it low key. That's how people like to see drivers.
Fans. Kasey takes time for his fans, from taking pictures and signing autographs. Sometimes he even makes small talk with the people who have waited a while to see him in person. Even on twitter kasey will talk about what he is doing, wishing people a happy birthday or will even have a q&a. Being active with fans is a way to keep the good vibes going. Even though Kasey is sometimes shy, he makes time for his fans and trust me his fans appreciate it a lot.
The Kasey Kahne Foundation. A foundation started not long ago that Kasey wanted to do in order to help those at the Ronald McDonald houses. he will visit those kids, bring them to races, he does everything to give them the best NASCAR feeling and experience in the world. Not only that, but he has Klub Kahne which is where fans can get apart of special events and more. KKR, (Kasey Kahne Racing) competes in WOO (World of Outlaws) and also they have their own racing shop in North Carolina. Tammy Kahne and Kasey's siblings help out to keep the shop going, fans happy and a lot of success. There is not a doubt in my mind that Kasey loves working on his own cars, racing, and making time for fans.
Overall Kahne is one of kind, you can't find a duplicate anywhere else. He brings many smiles to a lot of kids and people. I decided to ask fans what they thought of him. Do they love him or hate him? Respect things he does? Now i am going to share those with you, I appreciate all these twitter people taking the time to give me some feedback!
Fan Response!!!
@AngieLuvsMusic said: "first time I saw Kasey race my affections were swayed to him and he's been my fav since then. His driving ability, compassion, determination . Through the years he has remained true to himself in a world where you get gobbled up and big headed by success, he has not. His communication with his fans is second to none. Love him now, will love him always."
@zebmonkey said: "not a fan of Kasey, but i'm not a hater either."
@48hollywood said: "Good dude in my book. Have never disliked him, among most underrated drivers in NASCAR. Will be a champion at HMS."
@Keselowski2 said: "I like Kasey Kahne. Down to earth driver. He is an awesome driver and he has done so much in such a short career thus far!"
@denver2u said: "hmmm..Kasey is a very quiet,flying under the radar kinda guy..He's an incredible driver, that at times is very under-rated..When he gets to HMS..look out..He's going to kick some serious butt, IMO. His downside,he worries too much..Ie, when he hit the wall this past w/e. Let it go, Kase...He's going to win again soon...and PS..not enough space to say all I think about Kase...and YES..he's nice to look at!!!"
@HurriKahne4 said: "Kasey is a really good driver. no doubt about it. he has what it takes to win races and someday even win the championship. sure, he gets mad, but who doesn't? Kasey has won races for a reason. he is good. you'd be a FOOL to say he wasn't. it's that simple. eh has things that some drivers don't have. He is relatively calm in the racecar. he has a great crew chief to keep him calm when he starts to blow his top. Kasey Kahne is a great driver."
Wow! Look at all the feedback! I agree with it all and appreciate once again these people taking time to answer this question i asked them! You can see by the responses that Kahne is very favorable. He has a lot of things that fans appreciate and look at.
Well that ends this blog. Thank you for reading this blog... the next driver i will cover is Carl Edwards. So be ready for the blog on Scott Speed and Indy, Carl Edwards, and of course Dover and that Monster Mile! Until then have a wonderful week and i will blog to you all soon!
Follow these people!
1) @AngieLuvsMusic
*Apologize for any typo's or errors on the usernames*
NOTE: as usual don't put any hate comments! I try my best to keep these blogs short and sweet. I apologize for any typos or incorrect things. I am just blogging for fun! :D Alright that is all and thanks for reading again!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Darlington's Lady In Black: leaves many stripes for the drivers to take home

As the race continued on, many drivers pitted and kept on going. Only a few cautions came out, but for many drivers that was a good use of strategy to help figure out how they were going to get to the front or even able to stay in the front. A few pit roads incidents happened as well, but they were minor and didn't cause anything major. The race continued with green-flag stops and the end was something nobody was expecting..
NOW WE SKIP TO END... Cause i really don't feel like boring you all with this middle race stuff! :)

I couldn't have been more happy to see Regan finish strong and win Darlington. Kasey finished 4th and after his interview he knew he did well but of course their is always room for improvement. Carl Edwards had finished second and was disappointed, but overly happy for Smith. The race was really a ride for all the drivers and memory Smith will never forget.
Now as for the whole Kevin Harvick VS Rowdy Busch drama, Kyle got into Harvick and Harvick ended up spinning. Once on pit road Harvick was ready to have a word with Busch but Kyle drove off as Harvicks car went into the side of the pit wall. Both of the guys got called to talk about the matter and Twitter went off the wall with what was happening.
Now time for some fans views on how the race went down

@48hollywood said: "- exactly the injection the sport needs till Jr rifles out a few wins."
@Matt_Kacar said: "one wild and crazy end of the race. Glad Regan got his first cup win. as for kevin and kyle, only problem i have is kyle moving kevin's car out of the way on pit road. That was dangerous."
@20Kate11 said: "I dont think that Kyle hit Kevin completely on purpose. He was loose."
@cruetten said: "I'm so impressed with how far regan smith and furniture row racing have come. FRR used to start and park!"
@denver2u said: "Great race.lots of drama (Harvick vs Busch)..and once again it comes down to pit stops and calls..Do I or dont I pit with less than 10 to go. Also, nice to see an underdog win the race.Congrats to Regan Smith n FRR. Too bad it was overshadowed by Harvick/Busch drama"

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*If i spelled any names wrong i apologize ahead of time*
Note: I know this may be short, may have spelled names wrong, my bad. I am tired but wanted this blog to be done by this weekend. I skipped through the race so we could get to the end! Like to keep my blogs short and sweet. please no hate comments! Thanks
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